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systematic unit中文是什么意思

用"systematic unit"造句"systematic unit"怎么读"systematic unit" in a sentence


  • 分类单位


  • For ease of memory , china and other nations developed their own ways to group stars into systematic units called constellations
  • Last of article , uniting the concrete situation of the laboratory , a modification means to simulate the systematic unit of diesel engine power station more clearly is put forward ; along with utilizes fuzzy + pi ' s double model to lift the laboratory physics imitation system control performance means
    在文章的最后,结合实验室具体情况提出了实现进一步逼真模拟柴油机电站系统装置的改进方法;以及利用模糊+ pi双模控制,提高实验室物理仿真系统控制性能的方法。
  • This paper will be key to study the transform scheme on the systematic unit that is concerned with and needs for satisfying on each unit design . part for unload ship equipment , transfer and transport equipment , the access ability of storage yard , shipment and assign redundant technology and so on , the research will make optimization analysis , and carry out the transform scheme
用"systematic unit"造句  
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